Monday, 29 October 2007

Hole in one

Here is a couple of pictures of some old crap that was lying in my driveway the other day, 2 roofs with diffrent holes in them.
You can compare the the diffrents between a 2 fold and the more rare 3 fold ragtop.

Super Sh*t Box 1/4 mile drag race 10.903 @ 117.8MPH

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

The Judson Monster

Swapmeet Fredericia

The 3 last numbers on this old danish licenceplate reminded Jens of his sexlife ;-)

This past week end there were swapmmeet in Fredericia. There were not many parts worth buying, but there were several interesting cars allthough prices seemed higher than ever for most of them.

The Winther brothers

The Winther brothers has made a new blog. So if you are in to vw´s this is surely one to follow!
These 2 brothers sure have some cool cars! A statement of that is that both their cars has been in top 20 at the famous Spa Francorchamps meeting in Belgium.
I have posted a couple of cruising pictures of their cars from the past season.
You can find a link on the right side.

Return of the hippie....

Long time club hangaround Claus Michaelsen just parked his old hippie monster at our club.

Claus has been in to vw´s since back in the days and has owned many aircooled vw´s - most of them just as wierd as this one. As you can see Claus is not into shiny and clean cars and he´s using his cars for everyday transport.

Due to an unfortunate encounter with a truck the car is now getting a new front end.

Monday, 22 October 2007

5000 Hits

Well I could not dicide which picture to use, so you get both of them.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Barnfind? or fieldfind?

Yesterday Jens and I went out to check this abandoned 56 out in a field near us.
Apparently the owner gave up in the midle of the resto, and put out on his father in law field.
Here it has been for several years and a local kindergarden has used it as a toy, there not many parts worth saving on this one!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

To much sparetime?

At our club/garage it seems imposimple to have som big rims lying on the floor, if there is a car jacked up without one or more wheels off, people tend to try all kinds of wheels on all cars!
This is how it looked when I was out there today.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Spa 2005

Some of our cars on the show ground.
The cruise on the track saturday.

Cuising in the sun all 930km to the show.

I was just surfing the net and found this cool video from the big belgian meeting Spa Francorchamps, it reminded of that we were a group of danes that drove down there the same year, it was truly a great trip! The big cruise on the race circuit saturday evening is something that you never will forget!
If this meeting ever will take place again be sure be there!

Look at the video to see what you will miss if you dont.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Swapmeet Holbæk

Seeing anything you need?
More cool stuff.

People were there from the early morning.

Sunday morning Jens and I met eachother at 4.40am to drive to a swapmeet in Holbæk.
Christian Duelund from Oildrippers, joined the fun at Vejle.
We all made some good deals, nothing is more satisfying than bringing home needed parts for future projects.

Friday, 5 October 2007

JP Motorsport Dynoday 2007

Johannes Perssons little screamer.
1914cc revs to 9800 rpm. On a god day the engine pulls 240+ hp on the dyno!

The CSP drag car pulled 497 hp on the dyno

Herbie got nearly 250hp under the decklid

Beach Buggy with a type 1 engine that makes around 240hp

Johannes here testing carbs and throttle bodies
on his flow bench
Here Johannes assemble his high performance engines
The machine shop
Moped Drag racing!
Johannes racing his modifyed Puch Monza :-)
Huge 58mm carburators by Shawn Geers.

Later at HARRY's in Helsingborg

for beers and great food.

Too bad we had to leave early :-(

Thanks for a great day.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

3 Wise men?

Look at these 3 guys thinking about what there is missing in
the 2332ccm engine.