Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Kalø meeting

Every tueday evening in the summer time all kinds of classic cars and motorcycles meets at place called Kalø.

Tonight the Winther brothers and I took our cars and cruised the 100km
each way to be a part of it.
Nice somtimes to something diffrent than vw´s although I do love them!

Monday, 30 July 2007

Wax on.... Wax off......

Yesterday I visited 2 hardcore vw friends, the had just picked this 56 oval up in sweden.
I just could not resist the opportuniti to park my 54 next to it, and shoot a couple of pictures.
Seeing the pictures it reminds you to wash and polish your car regurlarly :-)

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Jens (The crazy painter) 1960 ragtop project

The final result.

Finding out where exactly the ragtop shuld be.

The 2 parts waiting to meet each other.

I went crazy with the saw I know but it was so much fun :-)

The donor before it meets it´s destany.

The pan ready to meet the body.

This is Jens´s 1960 project.
The car has only had 2 owners before him.
The pan is ready and the body is rust free now, only waiting for the owner to spray on a cool color on it!
Jens wanted something extra coolnes for his ride so he bought a complete 62 ragtop for spares and of course the ragtop, which i welded in for him.
Here is a couple of pictures, more will come later on in the project.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Just cruising......

On the way home the old girl was in a good mood :-)

Friday evening some of the Silkeborg guys and I went for a cruise in our aircoolers
It was nice just to cruise with no purpose, not thinking I need 400km more before I am at the show :-)
The cars is a 74 cab, 65 notch, 66 razor, 61 cab and 54 ragtop.
Out of these 5 cars, has the 3 of them won top 20 awards at the Spa Francorchamps in belgium, not bad I think.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


This year the trip goes to Italy - cavalino. Like last year we´re going in our faithfull bus - feells great going on such a long trip in an old V-dub.

Monday, 16 July 2007

VW dealership from the late 50és

Here is A couple of old pictures from the local vw dealer at my hometown Silkeborg.
The buisness was and still is called Vulcan.
My Father actually worked there as a mechanic for several years, and have told that they used take car down from the display once a year to clean it for bird´s nests etc.
On the wall it say "Og der bliver stadig flere" it means "And there are still getting more" that Volkswagens advertisement here in Denmark.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Thanks for 1000 hits

Well most blogs I cruise have some nice picturesn everytime they get another 1000 hits or more, we have just gone over the 1000 mark, but I needed an excuse to show you this girl :-)

How to sleep at Mantorp

Ulrik sleeping between 2 67ens, looks like the man is in heaven!
Jens "Grill Bill" lying next to the Black Devil.

Simon touching himself at sleep.

Michael sleeping.

We arrived at Mantorp friday morning 6am, and the first thing we did was dinking a beer!
One thing led to another and suddenly we were all pretty wasted, by then it was 9am, we decided to go to sleep so we were ready when the gates opened.

When I woke up lying on the front seats of the oval I found all the guys sleping like this :-)

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Movie from Absolut bugs

Pga kritik over manglende aktivitet på vores blog :-)
Har jeg lige lavet en lille fim fra vores arrangement den 26/5 2007
